Intro to Git


  • Define what a version control system does

  • Describe why someone would want to use a version control system

  • Describe git concepts such as pulls, pushes, merges, commits in layman's terms

  • Identify main git commands to manage files

  • Distinguish between local and remote repositories

  • Distinguish between git and GitHub

What is GitHub?

History/workflow using version control + the github platform here


Have you ever worked on a paper or any document collaboratively with others?

  • What have you noticed?

  • What was the workflow like?

  • What did work, what didn't?

Now enter software programming. Programming is a highly team based activity. That's why I love programming: A project is always more fun when you've got friends working with you. Sometimes very large teams work on a single project. We as developers need tools that support collaborative working. Enter Version Control Systems.

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