Wireframing Exercise: Build an Idea

Concept Design

In groups, come up with an idea for a startup or business.


Personas are hypothetical people who fit the target demographic for your product or service. Come up with at least two different types of people who might use your product.

For example: Meet Becky, a 34 year old stay-at-home parent who has a special needs child.

User Stories

Create one or two user stories for each persona that you created that apply to the functionality for your startup/business, following what we learned in class.

Remember!! A user story takes the format: "As a _ I want _ so I can _."

For example: As a stay-at-home mother of a special needs child, I want a diaper delivery service so that I can get diapers when I'm too busy with childcare to leave the house.


In groups of three or four, make a wireframe for a startup or business's home page using what we learned in class.

You can use an online tool or write your design on the whiteboards. Be prepared to present your idea to the class!

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