User Signup
We'll need to...
Double-check our signup form
Create a POST route for receiving the new user's data
Create a new user within the POST route
Redirect to either the home page or signup page, depending on if there's an error
Double-check the signup form
Take a look at the current signup form and GET /auth/signup
route. Some things you'll want to know about:
The signup form's action
The signup form's data
The signup form's route
Can we access the signup form?
Before continuing, verify that this test is passing
Auth Controller - GET /auth/signup - should return a 200 response
Creating a POST route
To receive the user's data, let's create a signup route.
Verify that this works. While spitting back form data verifies this route's functionality, we don't really want this. We want to implement the following logic:
Take the user's data from
Find or create a new user, based on the email address provided
If the user wasn't created, the email address must already exist. Let's redirect back to the signup form so the user can fix this error.
If the user was created, we're successful! Redirect back to the home page
If an error occurs, it'll most likely be due to a validation error. Let's redirect back to the signup form so the user can fix this error.
This should pass the following tests
Auth Controller - POST /auth/signup - should redirect to / on success
Auth Controller - POST /auth/signup - should redirect to /auth/signup on failure
Last updated
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