Dino Blog Activity

Let's have some practice creating a React component from scratch. How about a blog post?

  1. Change directories back into the main directory where you want to keep your code.

  2. Referring to everything we've done up until now, create a new project using create-react-app. If you need to refresh your memory, refer to the Initial Setup section or view the official create-react-app Github repository.

    Note: If you are running something else on port 3000 - like a Node app or another React app, you may get prompted to use 3001 or specify a new port. You can do this or you can kill the process that's already running.

  3. Create a post object in src/index.js that has the following properties:

    • title (example value: "Dinosaurs are awesome")

    • author (example value: "Stealthy Stegosaurus")

    • body (example value: "Check out this body property!")

    • comments (example value: ["First!", "Great post", "Hire this author now!"])

  4. Render your App component with the information from your post object as its props values. For now, only include one of the comments, comments[0]. You decide how you want to display the title, author, body, and comment, or you can use the screenshot in the Solution section below as inspiration.

  5. Optional: adjust the CSS of your index file body to align your text to the center of the document.


Here's what the solution might look like:

Going forward

Hang onto this code - we'll make some improvements to it so we can see all of the comments!

Last updated