Tomagotchi Lab

Tomagotchi Mini-Project


Let's use our front-end web development skills to create a "living" pet! We'll use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript/jQuery to interact with our pet.


  • Create a repo for your tomagotchi pet

  • make a commit after you finish each one of the following

  • Create a Class (JS Class, look at your notes if your forget) for your tomagotchi

  • Instatiate your Tomagotchi

  • Display a character of your choice on the screen to represent your pet

  • Display the following metrics for your pet: (in chrome console)

    • Hunger (1-10 scale)

    • Sleepiness (1-10 scale)

    • Boredom (1-10 scale)

    • Age

  • Add functions to the screen to feed your pet, turn off the lights, and play with your pet.

    (i.e. be able to call feed() in chrome console and then log the pet to see the values change)

  • Add the ability to name your pet.

  • Style the page.

  • Increase your pet's age every x minutes

  • Increase your pet's Hunger, Sleepiness, and Bored metrics on an interval of your choosing.

  • You pet should die if Hunger, Boredom, or Sleepiness hits 10.

  • Morph your pet at certain ages.

  • Animate your pet across the screen while it's alive.


  • Change from the console to the DOM, make buttons to call the functions and update the view of tomagotchi's stats

  • Have your tomagotchi give birth to baby tomagotchi...

  • ...with special powers (extend the class)!

  • Add an excercise() method to your tomagotchi, that affects certain properties

  • Add anything you can think of... use your imagination!


Thank you GA's Connected Classroom for providing the basis of this lab!

  • Adapted from SEI-MAE by Taylor Darneille*

Last updated