Project 3 Pitch Guidelines

🏑 Pitch Guidelines: Project 3

Below are the instructions and guidelines for pitching your Project 3 as a team. Please read through each section, and then spend time together (about an hour) crafting, refining, and practicing your pitch.


Your team will be given ten minutes to pitch your idea to the instructional staff. This pitch should include both a verbal pitch, and also a short written memo (instructions below) provided to the instructional team to read before your meeting time.

Please read the guidelines below on what should be included in your pitch, and how the ten minutes you will be given should be used.

If you have any additional questions please reach out to instructional team over Slack.

Written Memo Format:

Your written memo should be provided to instructional staff before your pitch meeting (you have up until ten minutes before your assigned pitch meeting time to send it). This memo should be written in Google Docs, and then shared with the instructional staff's emails ( and

The memo should contain the following information in an outline format:

  1. Your team name

  2. Each team member's assigned role

  3. Your elevator pitch for your website

  4. Your user stories

  5. What tech stack you plan on using

  6. What your current status is on the project

  7. What your plan is for each day of the project work time, preferably broken down into daily sprints.

Pitch Meeting Format:

Time Limit: 10 mins

1). 00:00 - 01:00: Elevator Pitch

  • Example format: When TARGET CUSTOMERS want/need THIS THING, I help provide them a solution by DOING THIS. - Kayla Abanda

  • A one-two sentence statement that conveys the why and how of your product.

2). 1:00 - 3:00: User Stories

  • Who is your User?

  • What value does your app offer to the user?

3). 3:00 - 5:00: How

  • What does the structure of your app look like under the hood?

  • What data/information will you need from the user/third party sources?

  • What tech stack are you using to achieve this?

4). 6:00 - 7:00: Resource Ask

  • Resources: information, technical answers, and or time with Instructional Team/TAs

  • What resources do you need from intructors/TAs to complete the task at hand?

  • If we give you resources, how will you go about using them/implementing them?

5). 7:00 - 10:00: Q&A with Instructional Staff

  • Three minutes for staff to ask questions related to pitch

Last updated