Routes Lab


Make sure you shut down your previous app

  1. be sure to have control c your previous app if you were running one before starting this new activity

Basic Express App

  1. Create a new directory called "frasier"

  2. cd into frasier

  3. perform an npm init, specify server.js as your entry point (HINT: you'll either have to do this in the initial npm init process, or make a change to the default settings in the package.json.

  4. install express

  5. create a server.js file

  6. inside server.js, require express and save it to a variable named express

  7. create a variable named app, and set it equal to express()

  8. have app listen on port 3000

    • once it's listening, log "Hello, Seattle. I'm listening..."

  9. test it by going to http://localhost:3000


  1. create a GET route for /frasier

    • it should send a response of "Once in prep school, the Existentialist Club once named me 'Most Likely to Be'"

  2. test the /frasier route by going to http://localhost:3000/frasier

  3. create a GET route for /niles

    • it should send a response of "You know, sometimes I wonder if I'm not just in psychiatry for the money"

  4. test the /niles route by going to http://localhost:3000/niles

  5. create a GET route for /daphne

    • it should send a response of "Well, have fun. I'm off to stick my head in the oven."

  6. test the /daphne route by going to http://localhost:3000/daphne

  7. create a GET route for /roz

    • it should send a response of "Let me make it easy for you. Freaks! Freaks on line 1. Freaks on line 2! Freaks! Everywhere!"

  8. test the /roz route by going to http://localhost:3000/roz

  9. create a GET route for /martin

    • it should send a response of "You may think it's tough being middle-aged, but think about me. I got a son who's middle-aged."

  10. test the /martin route by going to http://localhost:3000/martin

Are URLs case sensitive? Let's test: 1. create a GET route for /Scrappy


Refer back to previous section and notes/demos for steps, if necessary

  1. cd back to your student labs dir

  2. Create a directory called "simpsons"

  3. Get a basic express server running

    • Install express

    • No routes

    • Just have the app listen

  4. Test to make sure it works in the browser

  5. Create a route for Homer

  6. Test the Homer route

  7. Create a route for Marge

  8. Test the Marge route

  9. Create a route for Bart

  10. Test the Bart route

  11. Create a route for Lisa

  12. Test the Lisa route

  13. Create a route for Maggie

  14. Test the Maggie route

  15. Create a route for Snowball II (spaces won't work, so just make it one word or add dashes in between each word)

  16. Test the Snowball II route

  17. Create a route for Santa's Little Helper (apostrophes won't work, so just remove it in the route)

  18. Test the Santa's Little Helper route

HTML site

The topic is yours. Try to do it all from memory

  1. Create a basic app with multiple routes

  2. When it comes time to do res.send, instead of just text, send html

  3. To get res.send to work with line breaks in the html, change single/double quotes to backticks

                 <h1>Oh ha!</h1>

Hungry For More

Some of you will zip through this lab

  • Work on practicing Bootstrap (see morning exercise for an activity that you'll work on after lunch as well

  • Learn about JavaScript's Event Loop this is great stuff but you'll likely need to watch it a few times to get it all down

  • Try the super bonus!

This lab was adapted from SEI-MAE

Last updated

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